A geared motor, as the name suggests is an all-in-one combination of a gearbox and an electric motor. Due to this combination, geared motors are a cost-effective solution for achieving high torque and low-speed applications. Moreover, this solution also provides optimal energy efficiency, along with extending the life of your equipment.

While there is no doubt that a geared motor can be extremely beneficial, it’s crucial to choose the right equipment to get the best outcome. Essentially, regardless of whether you opt to purchase a pre-engineered geared motor, or choose a gearbox and motor separately, it’s imperative for you to understand the application requirements to ensure you find the perfect match.

To make this process simpler, we have covered a couple of factors you need to consider that can help you find the right geared motor.

1. Get An In-Depth Understanding of The Requirements

Ideally, the first step to undergo before choosing a geared motor is to analyze, understand, and review the application requirements. Mentioned below are some of the common requirements that you can consider:

General Requirements: 

  • Determine the envelope size
  • Determine the mounting orientation
  • Determine the mounting size and type
  • Determine the overhung and side loads
  • Determine the lubrication type

Input Power Source 

  • Identify the voltage
  • Identify the frequency (Hz)
  • Identify the maximum current (Amps)
  • Identify the control type (if applicable)

Geared Motor Specifications 

  • Understand the size
  • Understand the weight
  • Understand the desired noise level
  • Understand the life expectancy
  • Understand the maintenance level

Geared Motor Performance 

  • Understand the speed
  • Understand the torque
  • Understand the duty cycle
  • Understand the horsepower
  • Understand how to start and run torque in full load

Operation Environment 

  • Analyze the application and ambient temperature
  • Analyze the Ingress Protection (IP) rating

2. Choose An Ideal Motor

Once you have a proper understanding of your application’s requirements, the next step is to compare them to the various motor specifications provided by various geared motors manufacturers. This step is extremely crucial as each application has unique requirements, which need the perfect motor. For example, you need to carefully analyze which motor suits your horsepower, starting torque or provides maximum efficiency. During this phase, you need to determine if choosing a pre-engineered geared motor is more viable or selecting the motor and the gearbox separately will better suit your needs.

3. Pay Special Attention To The Speed & Torque Requirements

It’s very important to ensure that your geared motor is appropriately sized for the application. Moreover, it’s also crucial to determine the output speed, along with starting and running torque. Hence, while choosing the ideal geared motor for your application, you must match the output speed (RPM) and the torque to the needs of your application. Ideally, this is where opting for a pre-engineered geared motor is preferable as the gear manufacturers have already done most of the heavy lifting. This ensures that the geared motor will work seamlessly with your application.

In a nutshell, to ensure you have a geared motor that is the perfect fit for your application, you need to first calculate the starting and running torque, and then need to use ensure that the speed and efficiency match your requirements. It is also important to review the potential design limitations including full-load running gearbox torque, the input speed, duty cycles, and the thermal characteristics.

Premium Transmission has been known to be the most reliable gear manufacturers in India, that can help you determine the perfect geared motors for your application requirements.